Producer, DJ, Teacher

Music with character

Siberian with an Austrian touch

Acid, Drone, House, Techno

When I get bored, I play 3 turntables for fun

Turntablista - DJ school for women owner

Coming on 7th March 2025

EP ‘Dolphins In China’ on FORTUNEA records. This release will come out in March, 2025 on all download stores, streaming services and on vinyl.

My past releases

x-ray foil

The Anatomy Of DJing

Unlock Your DJ Skills with Masha Dabelka's Video Course:

"The Anatomy Of DJing"

In addition to personal lessons at Turntablista DJ School,

Masha Dabelka now offers an exciting video course.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced DJ, this course will help you master the art of DJing with expert guidance and creative teaching methods.

New Interviews

Magnetic Magazine interview w/ Masha Dabelka
Masha Dabelka has been a quiet force in Vienna’s underground scene for years, and now she’s stepping forward with Dolphins In China, her latest EP on Fortunea Records. Out on March 7, 2025, the release lands on vinyl, digital, and streaming platforms, blending deep house and breaks with a sense of playful experimentation. Masha’s approach to music reflects her personality—effortless, self-assured, and uninterested in gimmicks. While some DJs perform for the camera, she focuses on what matters: the music itself.

Women In Vinyl interview
What advice do you have for someone wanting to get into pursuing what you’re doing?
Try to understand who you are and stay true to your authenticity. Be honest with yourself and others. Work to create a better world and spread wisdom. Learn the discipline and rules so you can break them when necessary, but not the other way around.
Are you a vinyl collector yourself? What drew you to it?
I collect vinyl, but I would not recommend it to those who are just starting their musical journey. Music taste needs time to develop. It's like buying art – it is an investment.

Sie hat damit angefangen, Raves in verlassenen Fabriken in Sibirien zu organisieren. Inzwischen hat sie eine DJ-Schule in Wien gegründet, in der sie insbesondere Frauen den Umgang mit den Turntables näherbringen möchte: MASHA DABELKA. Dass sie selbst auch musikalisch aktiv ist, versteht sich von selbst. Sylvia Wendrock gewährte sie via Zoom Einblicke in ihr Studio in Creative Cluster in Wien und sprach über Übergänge, Mut und Safe Spaces.

Latest Mixtape

Latest Videos



21.Mar - "Dolphins In China" EP Release Party, Celeste

17.Jan - DJ Set, Acid Lambada, Flucc

My DJ school
Turntablista is the first private DJ school in Austria founded by a woman
with the purpose of creating a strong female role model for aspiring musicians.
dabelka (at) gmail (dot) com
2025 © All Rights Reserved. Masha Dabelka.